Friday, February 4, 2011

Welcome to your NEW favorite blog

While I may not be the original Iron Geek, I will say I am THE Iron Geek.  On this blog, I will share my wealth of knowledge regarding the two things I know best, Technology and Health.  With that said, this will probably be mostly about health.  Nutrition, working out, etc., are all things that are full of myths.  I hope through my blog I will clear them up.  On this site, I will provide workouts, diets recipes and general fitness tips.  Sit back, enjoy the ride, and tell your friends!


  1. Iron Geek works as a concept. It makes me thing tech and fitness.

    Have you visited That page needs some work...

  2. Indeed I have, a long time ago. It's where I first found out I didn't invent that term.
